March 5, 2021 |
June 30, 2018, marked the beginning of the 10K streak—a journey culminating in a significant milestone: completing 1,000 consecutive days on March 25, 2021.
During this period, I logged an impressive tally of steps and kilometres, totalling 11,101,932 steps and covering 8,605.5 kilometres.
Several months before initiating the streak, I grappled with the challenges of Avascular Necrosis for over six years. My hips were a constant source of discomfort, with a clicking sound accompanying every step, signalling the inevitable collapse of my hip joints. Concurrently, my knees endured immense pressure, overshadowing the pain in my hips.
On March 24, 2018, a minor car accident exacerbated the condition in my knees, intensifying my discomfort. Rather than succumb to despair, I opted for a radical approach—active walking. Starting with a modest 1,000 steps daily, I swiftly progressed to consistently achieving over 8,000 steps within months, undergoing a profound lifestyle transformation from a sedentary existence.
By the conclusion of June 2018, I routinely achieved 10,000 steps, prompting me to challenge myself to maintain this benchmark throughout July of that year. With unwavering determination, I surpassed this initial hurdle and sustained the streak month after month thereafter.
Walking amidst persistent pain became my norm for nearly a decade, but the strain I imposed on my legs during the streak far exceeded prior thresholds. In the initial stages, my body struggled to acclimate to this rigorous physical regimen, resulting in inflammation in the heel tissue and agonizing bouts of Plantar Fasciitis. Despite these adversities, I persisted.
By October 2018, not only had I consistently attained 10,000 daily steps, but I also began to derive enjoyment from my walks. Engaging in weekly 5 km GPS challenges injected a competitive edge into my routine, facilitating my progress from an 11-minute kilometre pace in July 2018 to under 9 minutes by January 2019.
Around the 200-day mark, a pinched nerve in my left foot presented yet another hurdle, compelling me to persevere through weeks of discomfort. Overcoming these obstacles bolstered my resolve, ultimately enabling me to partake in the TCS World 10K race on May 19, 2019, where I earned my inaugural medal in the Majja 5K Run category. Brisk-walking and briefly running amidst a sea of people is an experience I will never forget.
The summer of 2019 witnessed another milestone when a routine indoor walking session transitioned into a full-fledged running session. I ran for an hour without a break, achieving my highest step count in an hour (close to 8,800) and likely covering 10 kilometres in under an hour—an accomplishment unimaginable a year prior.
The year 2019 proved monumental, with statistics reflecting over 3,000 kilometres walked and 4 million steps taken, setting a remarkable benchmark.
Despite the onset of the global pandemic, which necessitated lockdowns and confinement, my walking streak persisted. The challenges posed by the pandemic failed to deter my determination, and for the second consecutive year, I surpassed the milestones of 3,000 kilometres and 4 million steps.
On March 5, 2021, commemorating the ninth anniversary of my Core Decompression procedure, I embarked on a new challenge—walking 10 kilometres in a single GPS session, a feat I had yet to attempt outdoors. Reflecting on the events preceding my surgery imbued this endeavour with profound significance, evoking a torrent of emotions upon completion.
Embarking on such a journey requires not only courage, motivation, and determination but also an unwavering commitment to consistency. I am immensely proud of my mental and physical fortitude, having endured pain and overcome formidable odds throughout this remarkable 1,000-day journey. Here's to the next 1,000 days—a testament to resilience, perseverance, and the power of the human spirit.